Engineered Pump Solutions for Process Industries

Svc Dry Screw Vacuum Pumps

There are hundreds of applications for vacuum pumps in industries ranging from mining and manufacture to defence and aeronautics, to food and beverage production and water treatment.

Whether a liquid ring or rotary vane vacuum pump or centrifugal process pumps are used depends on specific industry requirements. While the rotary vane vacuum pump may be the most popular mechanical type chosen for some industries other process industries may require custom solutions.

Pompetravaini Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

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Industrial Vacuum Pump

Emtivac N2Be Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

Advances in technology and engineering have impacted on the types of vacuum pumps available and their uses. For example, vacuum pumps which were created for use in one industry, such as dry vacuum pumps, can now be modified and used in other areas.

Emtivac is Australia’s leader in vacuum pump and system solutions and your first choice for professional advice on selection, application knowledge and expertise in design and operation for your industry.

New South Wales Chicken Processing Plant

Queensland Fertiliser Plant

Victorian Defence Research Laboratory

South Australian Uranium Mine

Victorian Automotive Component Producer

Victorian Envelope Manufacturer

South Australian Glass Bottle Manufacturer

New South Wales Chicken Processing Plant

Our client asked us to help reduce the water consumption of four liquid ring vacuum pumps used for evisceration. Our solution was to design and manufacture a total service water recirculation system consisting of a new air water separator, circulating pump, duplex filters and plate heat exchangers for cooling from an existing chilled water supply. As a result water consumption was reduced by more than 95 per cent.Talk to today us about zero water use liquid ring vacuum pump options.

View the hundreds of typical applications for liquid ring vacuum pumps, listed in this document or contact us today to find out more about the industries and applications we have serviced. Ask how we can boost efficiency in your industry. Telephone (03) 9768 3240 or send an online enquiry today.